Saturday, February 21, 2009

And now for something completely different

When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a doctor. From the time I learned to write, the documented history of my elementary school essays detail my ambition of practicing medicine. One of the interesting things about this ambition was how the functional area evolved over time, but the "doctor" part never did.

For example, the first record of my medical interest came in a second grade biography. My life would go like this: college football, pro football, med school, apparent Nobel Laureate in Medicine (discovering a cure for warts). Further socialization helped me realize warts are not cool, and thus my practice area changed from dermatology to neurology. Realizing how complex, financially rewarding, and prestigious neurosurgery was, it seemed like a cool part of the body to focus on until I really got into sports and decided on being an orthopedic surgeon.

Then became a software developer. Now I will be a consultant. Go watch Office Space.


  1. This is somewhat reminiscent to me of when Kelly decided to be a lawyer just after Legally Blonde came out.

    But...I'm not sure Office Space is quite the catalyst for career selection ;)

  2. I have started telling people that I Am Dilbert when they ask what I do ;)
