Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's NOT Peanut Butter Jelly time!

If you don't know me or my family, our lunch eating habits can be summarized as follows:

1. Pack lunch, eat the same thing every day
2. Go out to a familiar restaurant and eat the same thing (i.e., Chipotle chicken burrito)

In this aspect, my daily peanut butter sandwich is to me as Wapner is to Rain Man.

With that understanding, it should come as no surprise that when my sandwich fell out of my bag early this morning on the way to school, followed by my subsequent running it over with my car (take that sandwich!), I am in shambles.

Taking the lead of Ray, I might just have to go knock on a neighbor's door near school and ask if they will let me come in and make a sandwich. We shall see.


  1. I'm so sorry (I think) but I'm cracking up at you running over the sandwich!!! How did you manage that?!?! Did you see it laying dead in the driveway after you backed out?!?!? RIP PB Sandwich!

  2. LMAO - was the original title of this post "Devastation"?

    Not good...PB has taken quite the hit lately. Can't believe you took the opportunity to show it who was boss :(
